Advantages of Studying French...

Advantages of Studying French...
Parle français!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Physical Education "en français"

The Grade 6 students will be doing various Physical Education activities in French. I have provided you with a copy of our rules when participating in all physical activities. This year, the students will have Physical Education twice a week for a period of 40 minutes each.  It is important that your child wears running shoes during our Physical Education class. It is a good idea to always have a pair of running shoes in the classroom.

 Français immersion 6e année
Les règlements pour la classe d’éducation physique

1. Be safe.
1. Je respecte les règles de sécurité.
2. Be nice.
2. Je suis gentil(le) envers les autres élèves.
3. Take care of the equipment.
3. Je respecte l’équipement.
4. Wear running shoes.
4. Je porte des espadrilles.
5. Be fair.
5. Je respecte les règles du jeu.
6. Stop, look and listen when you hear the whistle blow.
6. J’arrête, je regarde et j’écoute au son du sifflet.
7. Have fun!
7. J’ai du plaisir!