Advantages of Studying French...

Advantages of Studying French...
Parle français!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Science / Sciences

Our current Science unit focuses on biodiversity. We are presently talking about the threats to biodiversity (global warming, pollution, etc.) as well as the goods that come from it (food, water, shelter, oxygen, etc.).
Pollution / La pollution
Students are studying various awareness posters to help them reflect on our lifestyles and choices as human beings and on how they can have an impact (positive and/or negative) on biodiversity. I have included some of the awareness posters we have seen together. Please keep in mind that while some are in French, others are in English.  A few have been translated by me when shown in class. Please feel free to go over these posters with your child to further discuss the importance of biodiversity in our lives. The students will be creating their own awareness posters which will be put up all around the school. 

Global Warming / Le réchauffement de la planète

Pollution and Habitat Destruction / La pollution et la destruction des habitats

Pollution, Exploitation and Habitat Destruction / La pollution, l'exploitation et la destruction des habitats

Exploitation / L'exploitation

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reading / Lecture

During the first term of the 6FI, students are given time (in class) on a weekly basis for silent reading. The "J'ai le fou de lire" reading program helps students to keep track of books they read throughout the week (in class or out of class - I ask to see the books read at home). It also allows them to comment on the book/chapter they have read. I ask that every book/chapter is initialed by a parent/guardian. I will also provide my initials. When students have filled out one side of the "J'ai le fou de lire" hand-out (author, title, amount of pages, comment(s), parent/guardian and teacher initials), they will receive a small prize (pencil, eraser, bookmark, etc.). This reading program also gives me an idea of the students' reading level. Our reading comprehension strategies mirror those of the English Language. We will start with the first strategy "Faire des prédictions" (making predictions). This strategy will be posted in class for students to see and I will also hand out a summary of "Faire des prédictions" to students. This summary will be kept in their white Reading duo tang (Duotang de lecture). After we have learned and mastered this strategy, it will be replaced by the second one "Visualiser". If students need to revisit the "Faire des prédictions" strategy, they will be able to do so by using the strategy's summary. Students are expected to keep these summaries in order (as taught in class) and they are also expected to use them independently (when working on a reading assignment).
Have a look at the following French Web site with your child to have a general idea of the reading comprehension strategies "en français"!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Physical Education "en français"

The Grade 6 students will be doing various Physical Education activities in French. I have provided you with a copy of our rules when participating in all physical activities. This year, the students will have Physical Education twice a week for a period of 40 minutes each.  It is important that your child wears running shoes during our Physical Education class. It is a good idea to always have a pair of running shoes in the classroom.

 Français immersion 6e année
Les règlements pour la classe d’éducation physique

1. Be safe.
1. Je respecte les règles de sécurité.
2. Be nice.
2. Je suis gentil(le) envers les autres élèves.
3. Take care of the equipment.
3. Je respecte l’équipement.
4. Wear running shoes.
4. Je porte des espadrilles.
5. Be fair.
5. Je respecte les règles du jeu.
6. Stop, look and listen when you hear the whistle blow.
6. J’arrête, je regarde et j’écoute au son du sifflet.
7. Have fun!
7. J’ai du plaisir!